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The UnDiet Approach
Important links, info, and agreements!
Pre-course Questionnaire
Waiver & Disclaimer
Course Schedule & call Link
Week 1
The UnDiet Approach Intro Powerpoint
Homework Week 1
Week 1 Recording! (110:02)
Week 2
Body Image & Food Myths Powerpoint
Homework Week 2
Week 2 Recording (105:00)
Week 3
Values, Motivation, Moderation and Biological Cues Powerpoint
Homework Week 3
Week 3 Recording (88:05)
Week 4
Food & Nutrients Powerpoint
Homework Week 4
Week 4 Recording (118:32)
Week 5
Emotional Eating & Family Powerpoint
Homework Week 5
Week 5 Recording (98:08)
Week 6
Food Cravings, Social eating, the Tribe-vibe
Week 6 Homework
Week 6 Recording (104:18)
Week 7
Pleasure, Joy, and Respecting Your Body
Week 7 Homework
Week 7 Recording (81:40)
Week 8
Week 8 Workbook
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Submit a Testimonial
Week 8 Recording (87:04)
Guest Speakers
Marissa Schriver, Intuitive Eating, 2/21/22 (66:07)
Jenna Minniti, Under-eating & Performance, 3/7/22 (69:13)
Week 4 Recording
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