Join us in this 8 week small-group experience
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Next class begins late April/May 2022. Scroll all the way down to drop your email & get on the waitlist!

The UnDiet Approach is for people who are burnt out from over thinking their dietary choices and want to feel better in their body without restriction

You do not need to follow any 1 way of eating to feel better about yourself and your body.

You can still eat the foods you love and adopt more balanced eating behaviors and skill sets that will set you up for long term success.

This program is designed to help you feel comfortable around food and trust yourself to choose nourishing (mind/body/soul) options without counting calories, macros or subscribing to a “cult style” diet.

Because we've both been there.....


My struggle with dieting and exercise began at the age of 13. “Drop a jeans size in 2 weeks” boasted the Special K cereal box, promoting their diet.

🤔Did I even have any jeans sizes to drop at that point? I was under 100 lbs… but the diet spoke to my body image issues.

I was a cheerleader since I was 4 (lots of focus on body image and being small) plus I had never heard of a woman that spoke love, respect, and appreciation of her body. All of my role models growing up spoke negatively of their own bodies and/or other women’s bodies and these behaviors became second nature to me.

For the next ~10 years, I tried so many different diets, cleanses, workouts, to find the “perfect” one. Little did I realize these diets just keep changing names and faces over the years, and it took me YEARS to realize it too. I always ended up worse off with each new diet or yo-yo phase. I faced immune and digestive complications because of the years of malnourishment coupled with over-exercise.

I spent a lot of time letting food fears and poor body image hold me back rather than living, loving and exploring life like I used to.

I realized that I needed to focus more on inner work rather than “working out” to really heal.

I learned to rest and honor my body instead of pushing it to its limits everyday (I didn’t really have a choice, at that point I was in burnout as a 23 year old).

I sought help.

I worked to repattern my subconscious beliefs and allow myself to be FED and nourished- physically and emotionally.

Over time, I learned to give myself much more grace, time, and acceptance, rather than expectating perfectionism.

Today, I don’t count a single macro or calorie. I eat when I’m hungry, stop when I’m full. I eat out regularly without worry. I have snacks or dessert if I want to and trust myself to make choices that make me feel good both physically and mentally. I take more rest days than workout days most weeks. I take whole weeks off of exercise from time to time and don’t die or back slide with my progress.

I know that amount of ease is available for you on the other side as well and I am grateful to be holding space for you on your way there.

This course is what I wish I had and I am very excited to be sharing it with you alongside Julia!


When I was in high school, I was often ridiculed and bullied for being “the weird one”. An honors student who was a socialite but was too uncool to be a part of any group.

I brought my guitar to school and played in the hallway alone. One day in History, my crush told me I was the ugliest girl in class. Being 15, that really affected me. I didn’t know what to do to boost my appeal up and didn’t want to be labeled as ugly and weird. I met crash dieting and began skipping lunch to eat a special K bar.

I demonized calories and attempted to consume 800-1200 per day. I didn’t have a gym membership so I walked home from school (no matter the weather). I was deeply sad, deeply alone, but the compliments FELT GREAT. Before I could notice, I lost 50 lbs in 6 months.

All of my free time was spent doing cardio. My boyfriend at the time had a good relationship with food that then suffered. Everything was crumbling around me.

My mom brought me to the doctor who wanted to send me to an outpatient retreat. Instead, I boldly attempted to reinvent my life by eating more and joining the high school lacrosse team.

Since my my junior year of high school, I knew I was destined to become a Registered Dietitian. From that point on, this desire became a need rather than a want- to help people just like myself who felt totally lost, alone, and like they had no place to go to.

I want to show you that the power is within you all to stop and to rebuild your relationship with food. I was suffering for a long time and I didn’t need to.

I won’t lie- these behaviors were on/ off for a few years until I regained my balance. It takes effort, patience, nurture and energy to not let anxiety and trauma from the past haunt you.

Sydney and I are here to help you with all of your feelings and hold space for you. The journey I have been on was so powerful and so life changing that I knew it was my destiny to be a part of a course like this.

Who is this group coaching program for?

  • Anyone who wants to improve their relationship with food & their own body
  • Anyone who wants to learn to celebrate what the body CAN do, not what it looks like
  • Anyone who has felt their quality of life has decreased due to restrictive dieting, binging, or by comparison to others
  • Anyone who genuinely wants to improve how they feel around all types of foods, in private and social settings.

If any of these quotes sound like you, this course may be for you:

“I only do fasted cardio”

“I don’t eat after 7pm”

“I only eat clean foods and clean food ingredients”

“I go drinking and I don’t eat because alcohol has a lot of calories”

“I workout so that I can eat”

“I am in a bigger body and I constantly compare myself to smaller people”

“My self worth is based on my bodyweight”

“I don’t enjoy exercise, I do it because I have to”

“I’m worried if I gain weight, that my partner won’t be attracted to me”

“If I eat the egg yolk, I will gain weight”

“Pizza is a rare treat, even though it’s my favorite food”

What's included in the 8 week Experience?

> 8 weekly live group presentations & education modules released each week. Access to the course content and resources for 16 weeks total.

>The Official UnDiet Workbook with homework, journal prompts, and mind-body healing techniques for you to download and keep forever

> Accountability groups- get paired into a small group to connect with others

> Private Facebook group for questions and accountability during the entire program and after to keep in touch with the other participants, Julia, and Sydney. We successes and struggles, foods and recipes we love, you name it! 

> A community of like-minded people with a similar goal in mind.

> An opportunity to work 1:1 with Sydney or Julia afterwards to dive deeper into your nutrition and/or fitness to help you reach your goals.

And so much more...

**** PLEASE NOTE: This program includes live weekly presentations. We encourage everyone to attend live, but the sessions will always be recorded and uploaded to your course platform. You will have 8 additional weeks access to the course content to review and catch up if you fell behind at all, so don't worry.

What our clients are saying:

Besides introducing me to my new best friend, nut butter, Julia has opened so many doors for me by correctly educating me on nutrition. I went from hating my body to becoming its friend. It’s rare to find a nutritionist you trust with all your bad eating habits. It’s even more rare to find a nutritionist who doesn’t judge you but rather teaches you how to fuel your body correctly with carbs, proteins and fats without restricting. Julia helped me gain energy and freedom but more importantly taught me how to listen to my body- G.M.

Working with Sydney completely changed my relationship with food and my body. I am more compassionate towards my body which has led me to make eating choices that are not only better for my body, but also get me excited!

I am confident in the fuel I choose for my body and it is such a refreshing feeling. Don't get me wrong, every day is not easy but having the awareness of what my mind and body truly needs has created a ripple effect in my life.

It's no longer about how I look but how I FEEL!!!- N.T.

Since working with Sydney, I am able to eat things and not be so down on myself about it. I've had pasta this week for dinner, enjoyed pizza and burgers with the family. It's all about balance and I was always afraid and called it cheating but it's been so good for me!

I can eat what I want now in moderation. I'm not afraid of carbs, am enjoying my favorite foods, and still feel great in my body.- C.B.


  Important links, info, and agreements!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 7
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Guest Speakers
Available in days
days after you enroll

Ready to ditch the fad diets and feel more confident in your body & food choices? Ready to learn to enjoy the journey, appreciate your body and live your life even though you don’t feel “ready”?

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